What Is Digital Planning? (And How Does It Work)

Digital planning is essentially the same as paper planning, except you do it on your digital devices.

It’s no secret that we’ve been exposed to major technological advancements in recent years. From online classes to working remotely, it seems like the world is changing right before our eyes.

As someone who experienced both online schooling and working remotely as a virtual assistant, I can say that digital planning isn’t just an advancement, but a necessity.

Digital planning has revolutionized how we manage our lives, both personally and professionally. It’s been the secret sauce of many successful individuals, and it can be for you as well.

But what exactly is digital planning? And how does it work?

Let’s find out.

What is Digital Planning?

Digital planning means using online tools on your computer and your bestie —the internet, to help you keep track of your tasks. 

It’s like taking the old-school methods of planning and giving it a tech twist. Now you can use different computer programs to stay organized and productive.

Think of it this way: instead of relying on physical planners or sticky notes, digital planning harnesses the power of the internet and various online tools.

It allows you to access your plans from anywhere with an internet connection and collaborate with others seamlessly.

So, digital planning is like having a special helper on your computer to make your work easier and more convenient. It’s an impressive way to use technology, right? 

What Are The Different Digital Planning Tools?

Digital planners

Digital calendars are like special calendars that you can use on your digital devices. They are like the ones you have at home, but on the screen. You can use digital planners to schedule important things.

Unlike your traditional calendars, digital calendars can do more than just show the date. They can also show a little reminder on your device when it’s time to do your tasks. You can also see your whole schedule for the day —or even for the whole month. 

The cool thing is that you can share your digital calendars with others. So, if you want to plan something with your friends or family, all of you can see the same digital calendar. 

It helps you all stay on the same page and makes it easier to plan things together. That adds more to the fun of planning, isn’t it?

Task management apps

task management app

Task management apps can help you make to-do lists, set deadlines, and keep track of what you need to do. These apps are like little assistants on your device that make it easy to remember and complete your tasks. 

Task management apps can also help you work together with others. If you have a team or friends who are doing tasks together, you can delegate some tasks to them. 

You can assign on the app who should do what. And you can see how everyone is doing and if they finished their tasks.

These apps can also remind you when it’s time to do your tasks. They can show you little messages or make a noise as a reminder.

The apps have other cool things too, like little tasks or subtasks inside big tasks.  And if you have special pictures or files you need for your tasks, you can attach them to the app. 

Note-taking tools

Do you ever have great ideas or important information that slip through the cracks in your memory? It’s like trying to collect raindrops in your hands – they just slip away.

But fear not, because digital note-taking tools are like digital buckets that can capture and organize all those precious drops of information for you.

With these apps, you can create digital notebooks to capture and organize your thoughts, ideas, and important information. You can categorize notes, add images and links, and easily search for specific content later on.

These note-taking tools are perfect for brainstorming, project planning, and information management. You can store all of your ideas in one digital notebook. And since you can sync across devices, you can access your notes from anywhere.

Project management software

So we talked about task management apps, right?  But what if you are working on a bigger project —like planning an event? 

Well, there are project management softwares that can help you manage your projects and collaborate with other team members.  

These programs are like special teamwork tools. With these tools, you and your team can see your project in a special way, like on a big virtual board. 

It’s like having a big wall where you can put sticky notes or cards to show what needs to be done.

Each person in the team can have their own tasks, like a special job to do. The tools let you assign tasks to each other, just like giving out roles in a game.

You can also see how the project is progressing, like a special map that shows if you are moving closer to the goal. You can check off completed tasks and see what’s left to do.

The best part is that you can talk to your team and share updates using these tools. It’s like having a special chat room where you can all communicate.

Habit trackers

You know when you want to do something good or healthy every day, like exercising or reading a book? 

Well, there are special programs that can help you remember and keep track of those good habits.

These programs are called habit trackers. Habit trackers can help you set daily goals for yourself and keep track of your progress.

Imagine having a calendar where you usually cross out the days. Well, with habit trackers, you can do it on your device. 

You just click a button to mark the habit as done for the day. Isn’t that cool? 

You can also set reminders in the app to help you remember to do your habits. It’s like having a little alarm clock that tells you it’s time to exercise or read.

As you mark your habits as done every day, the app shows you how well you’re doing. It’s like watching a puzzle get completed or a drawing get colored in.

And the awesome part? Seeing your progress actually helps you stay motivated. It’s like having your own personal cheerleader who says, “You’re doing great!” 

Habit trackers can also help you be accountable, which means you take responsibility for doing what you said you would do.

How To Start Digital Planning?

how to start digital planning

To begin digital planning, here’s what you can do:

  1. Choose your device: Decide whether you’ll use a computer, tablet, or smartphone for your digital planning.
  2. Select digital planning tools and apps: Take some time to check out different apps and tools designed for planning and organization. Try a few out to see which ones you like best.
  3. Transfer your information: Take the important dates, deadlines, and to-do lists from your physical planner or sticky notes and input them into your digital planning tool.
  4. Learn the features: Spend some time getting familiar with the features of your chosen digital planning tool. Watch tutorials or read guides to understand how it works.
  5. Customize your tools: Make your digital planning tools feel personalized. You can choose colors, themes, and settings that you find visually appealing and motivating.
  6. Break tasks into smaller steps: For big projects or complex tasks, break them down into smaller, more manageable steps.
  7. Use reminders and notifications: Make use of the reminder and notification features in your digital planning tools.
  8. Connect with other digital tools: Look for ways to integrate your digital planning tool with other apps or tools you use regularly. Integrating other tools will help streamline your workflows and keep everything in one place.
  9. Regularly review and update your plans: Take time to review your digital plans regularly. Look at your progress, make any necessary adjustments, and update any changes or new information.

Why You Should Switch To Digital Planning?


Digital tools are often more affordable than physical ones. Instead of buying a new planner every year. You can buy an undated digital planner once and use it over and over again. Isn’t that cool?

Portability and space-saving

Digital tools and apps are super portable. You can access your planning tools on different devices like your computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

They don’t take up much space because they’re all stored digitally. You can carry your planner with you wherever you go, without the extra weight or bulk.

Sustainable and reduces waste

Digital tools are like eco-warriors fighting against paper waste. By using them, you’re helping save trees and reduce paper clutter.

Quick and tidy

Have you ever made a mistake in your planner and wished you could just make it disappear? With digital planners, you can.

If you make a mistake, you can simply delete it with a tap or click. No need to use an eraser or cross things out. It keeps your plans looking neat and organized.

Flexibility in input methods

With digital apps, you have options. You can type directly on the screen using a keyboard, use a tablet pen to write or draw, or even print it out if you prefer paper. 

Easy sharing

Digital planners are like social butterflies that love to mingle. You can easily share your plans with friends, family, or teammates. 

It’s like being the coolest kid at school who always has the best plans to share.

Search and organization capabilities

Digital planners make it a breeze to search for specific information. With a quick keyword search, you can locate exactly what you’re looking for. 

Integration with other online tools

Digital tools can seamlessly integrate with other digital productivity tools and apps. For example, you can connect your planner to your email, task management app, or note-taking tool. 

Backup and sync features

Digital planners often come with backup and sync features. This means your plans are securely saved in the cloud, and you can access them from multiple devices. 

Fun and interactive features

Digital apps often come with interactive features that make planning enjoyable. You can add checklists, and progress trackers, or even create interactive habit trackers. 

7 Digital Planning Tips To Improve Your Workflow

digital planning tips

1) Make time for planning

Just like superheroes need time to prepare for their missions, it’s important to set aside dedicated time for digital planning. Schedule regular sessions where you can review your goals, organize your tasks, and set priorities. 

2) Choose functionality over aesthetics

While fancy designs and pretty colors might catch your eye, it’s essential to prioritize a digital planning tool that is intuitive and easy to use. Look for a digital tool with a user-friendly interface. Remember, functionality is key.

If you’re using hyperlinks in your digital planner to access important files, websites, or resources, double-check that they work properly. Test those links to avoid any last-minute surprises!

4) Choose a digital planning tool that integrates with other tools

To supercharge your digital planning experience, opt for a tool that offers integration with other digital tools you regularly use. 

Whether it’s syncing your calendar with your email or linking your planner with a task management app, integration saves you time and keeps everything in one place. 

5) Leverage collaboration features

If you’re working with a team, choose a digital planning tool that allows for collaboration. Look for features like shared calendars, task assignments, and real-time updates. 

6) Regularly review and adjust your plans

Take time to review your plans regularly, assess your progress, and make adjustments if needed. 

7) Utilize notifications and reminders

Enable notifications and reminders in your digital planning tool to ensure you don’t miss important deadlines. These gentle nudges act as your trusty sidekick, reminding you of upcoming tasks and events. 

Digital Planning (FAQs)

What’s the difference between paper and digital planning?

Paper planning involves using physical notebooks, sticky notes, and calendars to organize your tasks and schedule. Digital planning, on the other hand, relies on digital tools and apps to manage your planning digitally. The main difference is the medium used – paper versus technology.

How to make digital planners?

You can use online apps and productivity tools as a digital planner. However, you can also make your own digital planner by using note-taking apps, using spreadsheets, or designing one on Canva or other online tools.

How do digital planners work?

Digital planners work by providing a virtual space where you can input and organize your tasks, appointments, and notes. These planners often come with features like reminders, color coding, and syncing capabilities. You typically access them through apps or software on devices like smartphones, tablets, or computers.

Why is digital planning important?

Digital planning offers numerous benefits. It allows for easy organization, quick access to information, and the ability to set reminders for important tasks and appointments. You can also synchronize your digital planning tools across devices. Additionally, digital planning eliminates the need for physical materials and reduces clutter.

Are digital planners worth it?

It depends on your preferences and needs. Digital planners can be highly effective if you enjoy technology, have a busy schedule, or work in a collaborative environment. They offer flexibility, customization options, and the ability to integrate with other digital tools. 

What to do next?

Just as digital devices are affecting every part of our lives, changing the way we communicate, get news, get entertainment, and more. Now, they’re also changing the way we plan.

While some people have already made the switch, many more are still using traditional paper planners. And that’s fine.

However, there’s no reason to not at least try it out once. Digital planning is here to stay, and it’s only starting to get better.

So if you’ve ever been curious about it, this is the perfect time to give it a try!

Hey! If you found this post useful, check out these productivity tips and tools, too:

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