Swift Solutions: How to Clear a Room in 90 Minutes or Less?

Are you looking for ways to clear a room in 90 minutes or less? Getting rid of excess stuff demands some patience, time, and energy.

There are many approaches to cleaning up, but one truth stands: Faster is better!

How to Clear a Room in 90 Minutes or Less

Rapid cleaning enhances your life experience.

A study from Research Gate proves that routine tidying up results in a clean space and higher productivity [1]. It’s as if washing off dirt also washes off your work issues.

Just imagine a clean space that could distinguish between a good workday and a frustrating one. How much more to your room?

So, a little effort in cleaning can go a long way in keeping your work performance at its peak, even if that only takes 90 minutes or less.

Continue reading to gain more insight on how to clean a room in 90 minutes or less.

Simple Steps on How to Clear a Room in 90 Minutes or Less:

You may find it a gigantic task to clean up home, especially with limited time. However, if you focus and work systematically, you can learn how to clear a room in 90 minutes or less. 

You will notice the impact of your space and its energy.  

The guide below will give you a fast home purge and make more time for what matters: enjoying your life.

Here’s how to clear a room in 90 minutes:

Step 1: Define Your Intentions

Set what you aim to achieve before you begin cleaning a room.

Most people often forget this step, but it’s necessary. If you don’t have a goal, how can you adhere to your plan and achieve success?

If you’re stuck in defining your goal, here are some realistic inspirations that can help:

  • Build a space where I can experience comfort, relaxation, and happiness.
  • Transform a homelike atmosphere in this room rather than an office or storeroom vibe.
  • Create a welcoming space for guests to stay.
  • Make sure that when I walk in, the first thing I see is a tidy room.

You can also answer the following question to help you define your intention:

  • What do you intend to achieve?
  • What motivates you to tidy your room?
  • What’s holding you back?
  • Do you intend to do basic tidying or an all-out deep cleaning?
  • Do you have key tasks to handle in this 90-minute window?
  • How do you optimize the 90-minute period to meet your goals?

In this step, you should have a clear intention of what you want to achieve and how you want to achieve it. You should also clearly understand what keeps you from doing your task.

I have a blog in line with this topic, Your Room is a Reflection of Your Mind, where I discuss the importance of cleaning your room.

If your room is untidy, it may be because you’re unorganized or have other matters. (e.g., depression, anxiety). It relates to the influence of your room on your mind and body.

So, to be more organized and productive, you should start by defining your intentions.

Step 2: Gather Your Cleaning Supplies

Ready-to-go cleaning gear means organized work, no task repetition, and improves cleaning results. Having all the needed supplies helps quickly tackle stubborn dust and stains.

Similarly, it strengthens safety, defends against harmful components, and prevents extra dirt. 

After all, having cleaning supplies ready in advance ensures faster and better cleaning.

Collect all your basic cleaning materials:Additional supplies you may need:
• Brooms and dustpans
• Vacuum cleaner
• Mops and buckets
• Cleaning caddy to carry supplies
• Microfiber cloths for dusting, washing, and polishing
• Disposable wipes
• Dish soap
• Laundry detergent
• All-purpose cleaner
• Bleach
• Rubber gloves
• Trash bags
• Bathroom cleaner
• Scrub brushes for tough stains
• Glass cleaner
• Floor cleaner
• Furniture polish
• Disinfectant wipes
• Toilet bowl cleaner and toilet brush
• Sponges and Scouring Pads
• Stain remover for carpets and upholstery
• Duster
• Air fresheners
• A ladder or step-stool for hard-to-reach areas
• Steam cleaner (for deep-cleaning tasks)
• Paper towels

You may not use all these, but the more you have on hand, the better prepared you’ll be for any cleanup scenario.

Step 3: Plan Your Time

Preparation is half the victory. Don’t just clean – plan.

Plan Your Time

You can create a simple checklist for each category and move through it systematically. It will help you stay focused and meet your goals within the 90-minute window.

Here’s a simple checklist categorized by tasks:

1)  Decluttering (15 minutes) 

  • Remove all trash
  • Put away items not in their proper place
  • Identify items to donate or sell

Start by decluttering your room. It is the most essential part of the process, so spend at least 20 minutes removing everything that doesn’t belong in your room. 

A study published in the National Library of Medicine was the first to examine how clutter affects people of different ages [2]. 

The findings demonstrate clutter negatively impacts young folks’ mental state more than the older ones. But, clutter disrupts the mental comfort of home for both groups.

As I interpret it, the study affirms that any age can face discomfort from clutter.

Decluttering is something everyone needs to do. No age requirements or special qualifications, no matter what numbers are on your birth certificate.  

If you’re unsure what to do with an item, ask yourself:  

  • Is this useful? 
  • Does it add value to my life? 
  • Can I get rid of this without anyone noticing? If not, keep it!

When you’re home, it’s essential to have a place for everything and everything in its place.

2)  Vacuuming & Mopping (10 minutes)

  • Vacuum rugs and carpets
  • Mop hard floors
  • Spot clean any stubborn stains

Vacuuming is quick, efficient, and effective for deep cleaning.  It will remove dust, mites, and allergens from your carpets, which will help with asthma and allergies.

You can vacuum your room in 5 minutes. Using it is like approaching the 80/20 rule —you get 80% of the result from only 20% of the work.

Then, run a mop over the floor in circular motions. You may also need 5 minutes to mop (depending on the size of your room). 

3) Dusting & Cleaning (25 minutes)

  • Dust furniture and wipe surfaces
  • Clean mirrors and windows
  • Wipe down electronics

Dusting and cleaning are the most time-consuming parts of the whole process. So, I’ve assigned 25 minutes for this task.

If you’re efficient, it shouldn’t exceed 30 minutes (but it still depends on how big your room is and how dirty it is).

Most people don’t like this part, but it’s the most important one. It will help you see your room’s appearance, minus the dust and dirt.

Use the Pomodoro Technique to handle the task if it seems too much. I find this method works well when cleaning because it sharpens my focus on what’s important.

4) Break ( 5 minutes)

Taking a break can help you recharge. 

You may feel tired or exhausted at this point, so I included a quick break aligning the Pomodoro method I mentioned above. 

If you’re following my blog, you’ll know that I recommend taking a break from extensive tasks.

Use it to breathe fresh air, drink water, and eat something healthy. You’ll feel refreshed to work further.

5) Organizing (30 minutes)

  • Rearrange furniture, if necessary
  • Organize books, magazines, and decor
  • Ensure all smaller items have a dedicated storage space

Organizing is rewarding and stress-relieving. 

For me, it is easier to do dusting and cleaning than organizing, so I’ve allotted 30 minutes to organize. 

In her book, Marie Kondo claims that our homes are messy because we lack the skills to organize effectively [3].

Her point was clear – we’re not lazy; we just need better ways to sort things out. My past attempts at room organization were a challenge.

It is because I’ve been approaching the problem from the wrong perspective: thinking about what I need instead of why things are there in the first place.

So, to organize, you must do it with a purpose.

6) Final Touches (5 minutes)

  • Fluff pillows and smooth-out throws
  • Light a candle or use a room freshener
  • Take a final look, adjust as necessary

Do a final sweep of the room to see if all is well. You may feel like you have conquered a mountain.

You’ll see that less than 90 minutes is enough to achieve something. 

And it can be the beginning of something bigger: If you tick off this list, you can easily meet your other home goals with ease.

Bonus Step 1: Efficiency Tips

Aim for efficiency while tidying your room. 

I’ve made a list to help keep your room clean. With efficiency, there’s no room for procrastination or mess.

Here are a few tips on how to clean your room fast:

  • Use the “5-minute rule”: If cleaning takes under 5, do it now.
  • Don’t make excuses: Even if you don’t fancy cleaning, do it. You’ll be glad later.
  • Avoid perfectionism: Over-attention to perfect cleaning hinders progress. Do your best, then proceed. Imperfect cleaning isn’t a crisis.
  • Speed up: Give speed cleaning a try. A shorter time frame for room cleaning could improve your task speed.
  • Dispose of trash immediately: Don’t leave trash lying around. It’s a distraction, and it attracts pests.
  • Infuse fun: Transform cleaning into a game, or make cleaning fun with podcasts or audiobooks.

Bonus Step 2: Maintaining Cleanliness

My favorite part is maintaining cleanliness.

I used to work with someone who did a vast yearly cleaning and tidy-up. As I see it, her way is unsustainable and results in procrastination and stress.

Maybe her approach just didn’t work for me. I am all about the maintenance. How can I keep my room clean? I immediately tidy up after using anything.

I feel less guilt and anxiety when I know how to keep my house clean. I think it’s a lot easier on the brain. 

To keep your home clean consistently, you must establish a few simple habits to help keep everyday messes in check. 

Here are some active steps on how to keep your house clean:

  • Use storage bins: Store stuff neatly under the bed, on shelves, or in the wardrobe.
  • Systematic cleaning: Allocate a day for weekly dusting, wiping, and vacuuming tasks.
  • Laundry routine: Use your basket, consistently wash, and fold them immediately to prevent them from piling up.
  • Clean up after yourself: Clean instantly after finishing meals or tasks to maintain neatness.

How to Clear a Room in 90 Minutes or Less (FAQs)

What is the quickest way to empty a room?

The quickest way to empty a room is to ask for help from your friends or family, prepare a particular area for sorted items, and efficiently move items using labeled containers like boxes, bins, or bags.

What is the fastest and most efficient way to clean a room?

The fastest and most efficient way to clean a room is to clear it. It means sweeping the room clean of all items to make it empty. You can then decide what stays or discards items one at a time outside the room instead of choosing on an item-by-item while inside the room.

How to clean your room in 10 minutes?

Steps to quickly clean your room in 10 minutes:
• Start a 10-minute timer.
• Quickly grab any clutter and put it away.
• Make the bed.
• Clean surfaces using a wet cloth.
• Give the floor a fast vacuum or sweeping.

How to clean an extremely messy room fast?

A fast approach to tidying up a dirty room is to:
• Divide the room into parts.
• Get rid of trash and items for recycling.
• Classify items as keep, donate, or sell and put them in assigned areas.
• Wipe down surfaces, windows, and mirrors.
• Do a quick floor sweep or vacuum.
• Organize and store what’s left.

How many hours does it take to clean out a messy house?

The time required to clean a house depends on its size and how dirty it is. It can take 5-10 hours on average, but this time frame can vary depending on the house’s dimensions and how messy it is.

How do I naturally eliminate an odor from a room completely?

Get rid of an odor entirely by taking the following steps:
• Identify and clear out the source of the odor.
• Pull open windows and doors to allow fresh air circulation.
• Make use of baking soda, charcoal, or vinegar for odor control.
• Diffuse essential oils for a pleasant scent infusion.

What to do next?

Now that you’ve learned how to clear a room in 90 minutes or less, it’s up to you to carry it out. Perform it with clear intent and attention.

You’re purifying your space, mind, and feelings when tidying up. Approach it with mindfulness.

When you feel unsettled or impatient, have a break and revisit it later. It will stop you from putting energy into your feelings instead of removing the bad vibes already there.

If you need encouragement, visit my other blog, Clean Space Clean Mind, to learn how cleaning enhances mental health.

Hey! If you found this post useful, check out these organizing tips and tools, too:

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