Your Room is a Reflection of Your Mind: What Does Your Bedroom Say About You?

This post is all about how your room is a reflection of your mind plus 11 essential items to create an emotionally supportive space.

your room is a reflection of your mind

This article really hit home with me! I can say that I am a neat freak person—I always feel like tidying up 🧹around the house so everything is in perfect order.

I couldn’t figure out why I felt the way that I did. Then, I watched a TED Talk by Lauren Singer—Why I live a zero waste life — and it changed my perspective completely!

Until now, I’m amazed by Lauren’s story about making her life more sustainable. It connects my obsession with cleaning and tidying up to my desire to be more environmentally friendly— a win-win!

Below, I explain the connection between how calm or stressed out you are and your room. And what does your bedroom say about you?

Worth a read!

What Does Your Room Reveal About You?

Did you know that your bedroom can reveal a lot about you? 


Let’s find out!


The colors in your room can tell us about your personality. 

Have you noticed that horror movies use darker colors? It’s because they want to create a mood. The darker colors help set the film’s tone and make it more scary.

While bright and energetic colors mean the opposite: they uplift and make us happy.

Color therapy was once a popular treatment for mental illnesses. Doctors tried using different colored rooms to help treat patients with various mental health conditions. 

⬛ Black room: for patients with acute mania (extreme excitement)

🟥 Red room: for patients with melancholia (feeling sad)

⬜ White room: for a person who is practically well

🟦 🟩 Blue and Green: space for patients with boisterous (lively people)

They thought that the colors could help make the patients feel better.

Here are examples of emotion colors:

color wheel of emotions

If your room has brighter colors, you’re outgoing and lively, while soft and calm colors suggest you’re thoughtful and reflective.

What colors do you like in your room? Do they match your personality?


Researchers at Princeton University Neuroscience Institute studied and found some interesting things. They published their results in The Journal of Neuroscience.

They said that when there are many things cluttered around you, it can make your brain 🧠 feel confused and unable to focus correctly. All the visual chaos from the clutter makes it hard for your brain to process information. 

When I was in Hong Kong, I observed my boss with unorganized stuff was more distracted and often forgetful (sometimes stressed), while my other boss with tidy spaces was productive, happy, and calm.

(Not all people are necessary like this, but in my experience, I have found that to be true.)

Look at how organized your room is. How tidy and structured your room is can show how you approach life. 

What do you see?

A neat space means you value order and efficiency.


How about personalizing your room? 

Adding personal touches to your room, like photos 🖼️ or artwork, shows who you are and the people and experiences that matter to you.

Another article points out that surrounding yourself with things and pictures that motivate and inspire you can make you feel more upbeat.

If there are many pictures and paintings, it will show how connected you feel to those around you.

Hobbies and interests

What hobbies and interests do you have? 

If you have musical instruments 🎵, art supplies 🎨, or sports equipment 🏓 in your room, it shows what you’re passionate about.

The things related to your hobbies and interests in your room show what you love doing and what brings you joy.

I remember in high school. I have posters of my favorite artists (Avril Lavigne and Mandy Moore) on my wall. And my room was full with the things that I love. 

So, it was easy to guess that I am a huge fan of their music and movies.

It wasn’t just about having them. But also about showing other people what I’m interested in.

Do you also have posters on your wall?


Did you know how a classroom looks can affect how happy and mentally healthy students feel? 

Researchers studied how the design of classrooms can make a difference. They found that when classrooms are with care and include elements of nature, students feel happier and have better mental health.

Now, what decorations do you have in your room? The things you decorate your room with tell us about your passions and interests. 

Do you have posters of your favorite bands or artists? What about books 📚, trophies 🏆, or collectibles? 

These decorations give us a peek into your interests and what makes you happy.


An article from the University of Denver studied what makes people willing to spend money. They found that, in general, people care more about how the restaurant feels and how good the service is than how delicious the food tastes.

The ambiance of your room is all about the atmosphere.

  • Is it a calm place with soft lights?
  • Do you have a cozy texture?
  • Or a lively space that sparks your creativity?

The overall feeling in your room reflects what makes you feel comfy and peaceful. 

Organization of space

Let’s talk about how you organize your room. 

How you arrange your room tells us how you tackle tasks.

Do you have different areas for studying, relaxing, and doing your hobbies? 

If you think about it, why are school libraries separate from music rooms? It’s because they know that different activities require different types of space and moods.

If you are a person who likes to have everything in its place, then it’s likely that you are an organized student.

But if your room is messy or disorganized, this could mean that you prefer spontaneous learning over structured lessons.

A well-organized room with areas for studying, relaxing, and hobbies means you value efficiency.


Keeping your room clean shows you care about details and taking care of yourself.

If you notice vloggers who claim to be clean and neat freaks, they tend to have a strong need for order. They want things done their way, no compromise.

It also shows responsibility. A clean room shows that you take accountability for your things and care about the environment around you.

Cleanliness helps to keep your mind clear and focused. If your room is dirty or cluttered, it can distract you and cause stress.

Personal sanctuary

Does your room have a comfy reading corner or a meditation space?

If yes, it shows that you enjoy alone time and value quiet.

As I said, libraries are separate from music rooms so that students can have a place to concentrate on their reading.

Reading is a solitary activity, so it makes sense that libraries are in their own space.

A personal sanctuary is a place you can go to escape the noise and chaos of life. It is a place where you can sit, read, meditate, or nap.

Flexibility and change

Are you open to trying new things in your room? You can think about changing the arrangement of your furniture, trying different colors, or adding unique decorations.

When you’re open to change, it means you’re curious and like to grow and have new experiences. You are always looking for new things to discover.

I’ve noticed people (in my circle) who are always on the go, trying new things, and are good at connecting with others. They’re open to new ideas and experiences. It makes them more creative and imaginative.

They also have a lot of energy! They’re always moving and doing something. It helps them stay focused on their priority and too busy getting things done.

So, if you are not flexible (yet), try being open to new things and embrace change in your room 😉.

If you understand these aspects, you can learn more about yourself and use your space to express who you are and grow as a person. Pretty cool.

11 Essential Items to Create an Emotionally Supportive Room

Creating a room that reflects your mind and emotions is an exciting journey.

Let’s explore 11 essential items that can help you achieve a clean mind:

1) Comfortable bedding

Cozy pillows, warm blankets, and a comfortable mattress improves your sleep and helps you wake up refreshed.

2) Inspiring artwork

Choose artwork that inspires you and makes you feel happy. It can be a painting, a poster, or even your creations.

3) Personalized space

Add personal touches that reflect your interests and hobbies, such as displaying your favorite books or toys.

4) Calming colors

Choose calming colors like blue or green to create a peaceful atmosphere in your room.

5) Cozy reading nook

Create a cozy corner for reading with a comfortable chair, soft pillows, and a small shelf for your favorite books.

6) Mood-boosting lighting

Soft, warm lighting or natural light can create a welcoming and uplifting ambiance.

7) Organizational tools

Use storage bins, shelves, and labels to stay organized and create a sense of calm.

8) Sentimental objects

Surround yourself with objects that hold special meaning, like photos or souvenirs.

9) Positive affirmations

Create and display positive affirmations that inspire and uplift you.

10) Your imagination

Use your imagination to explore creative ideas and make your space uniquely yours.

11) Indoor plants

Add a touch of nature to your room with a few plants. They don’t have to be expensive; you can even find them at the dollar store!

You can add any succulent plant to your desk or hang any indoor plants on your wall. 

They will add life to your room and help you focus by filtering out the outside world’s noise.

Check this photo 👇

Do you see how much life it adds to the room? It’s beautiful and a great way to add a touch of life to your room.

Your imagination is your most powerful tool. Let it guide you in choosing items that make you feel happy and at peace.

Your Room is a Reflection of Your Mind (FAQs)

Does your room reflect your mind?

Your room can reflect your mind because organizing and decorating it can show your personality, interests, and feelings.

Why do they say your room is a reflection of your mind?

Your choices can tell a story about who you are and how you think about the world.

How to clean your mind?

To clean your mind, try taking deep breaths, talking to someone you trust, or doing activities you enjoy. Creating a peaceful and organized space in your room is also helpful.

Can the state of your room affect your mental health?

Yes, your room can affect your mental health. A clean and organized room can make you feel calm and relaxed. And a messy and cluttered room can make you feel stressed or overwhelmed.

What to do next?

Just like your mind, your room reflects who you are. It’s like a mirror that shows your personality and interests. 

Think of it like this: Your mind is a colorful garden, and your room is like the beautiful flowers blooming in that garden. When you arrange your things with love and care, your room blossoms into a paradise that brings you joy.

It’s where you can be your true self. So, take charge, organize, personalize, and create a room that reflects your unique personality. 

And remember, a clean space equals a clean mind!

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