Notion vs Todoist: Which is Better?

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Are you torn between Notion and Todoist? Their impressive features might leave you wondering which digital productivity tool is worth the investment. Find out in this Notion vs Todoist review. As a virtual assistant, I’ve been helping my clients from different industries manage their online businesses. And one of the tools that I can attribute … Read more

What Is Digital Planning? (And How Does It Work)

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Digital planning is essentially the same as paper planning, except you do it on your digital devices. It’s no secret that we’ve been exposed to major technological advancements in recent years. From online classes to working remotely, it seems like the world is changing right before our eyes. As someone who experienced both online schooling … Read more

Cornell Method of Note Taking ✍️: How To Take Better Notes This Year

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The Cornell method of note taking involves dividing your notes into three sections: cue column, note-taking column, and summary section. I know you’re excited about the new semester and all the new learning opportunities it’ll bring. But if you want to succeed in your classes, there’s one thing you need to do right away: start … Read more