
Motivation vs Consistency: What’s More Important?

Have you ever thought about which is more impactful: is it motivation or consistency?

motivation vs consistency image

This question raises more questions than it solves. But what if I told you the real impact happens when these two forces combine?

Motivation fills you with energy to start something, but like a fire, consistency needs regular input to keep it alive. You need both, motivation to begin and consistency to continue. 

We’ll find out how they can be tools for you to reach your planned milestones. Therefore, keep on reading.

Table of Contents

What Does Motivation Mean?

So, what is motivation?

Visualize a day when you find yourself with a surge of energy and a burning desire to tackle a new challenge. 

This is motivation—an impulse that pushes you to act and make a change. It’s a feeling we’ve all experienced. 

Let’s read its definition:

Motivation is the inward push that sparks change in us or around us [1]. It’s a mix of factors that initiate and guide your actions, often to fulfill your desire or need [2].

What Are the Different Types of Motivation?

How many types of motivation are there?

According to an article from the Harvard Business Review, there are two main kinds: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation [3].

  • Intrinsic Motivation: Imagine wanting to do something just because it lights you up inside. This motivation is intrinsic, meaning it comes from within you. 

Think about playing an instrument not because you have to but because you love the sound of the music and it makes you feel good — that’s intrinsic motivation.

  • Extrinsic Motivation: On the other hand, imagine playing an instrument not because you particularly enjoy it but because your parents want you to or because you’ll get a reward if you do. 

This is extrinsic motivation, which means the drive comes from outside, such as the potential for rewards or the avoidance of punishment.

After looking at different references, you might ask:

  • What happens when the burst of excitement starts to fade? 
  • What sustains your progress when the spark of motivation cools down?

This is where consistency shines. Keep reading to find out why.

What Does Consistency Mean?

Now, what is consistency?

Consistency can have various meanings, but it mainly relates to three core ideas.

First, it represents harmony between different parts, meaning things work well together [4].

Second, it’s about repeating actions or behaviors over time, which shows steadiness [5].

Lastly, it refers to how a substance, like a thick liquid, can keep its physical qualities, which means it doesn’t change its form too much [6].

Does consistency mean everyday?

When you hear “consistency,” do you picture a daily routine? 

Well, it’s not limited to that.

When you are consistent means keeping a steady routine over time, which doesn’t need to be daily.

Think of it like this: Assuming you have a study schedule, you may be dedicating time to learning every day after school. Or, it might mean every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening. 

Either way can be consistent.

Consistency is about repetition—something you know will happen in the same way, over and over. Whether that’s daily, weekly, or any schedule that’s convenient for you.

But at this point, the questions are:

  • How is it possible to stick with consistency and not get bored?
  • What happens if your focus is strictly on either motivation or consistency?

Let’s find out.

Motivation Vs Consistency: Which is Better?

See yourself at the start line of a great race to achieve your dreams. In your backpack, you’ll find important items: motivation and consistency. 

Motivation or Consistency

Can you figure out which one is better? Let’s find the answer.


Motivation is like a trigger that sets your race in motion. It’s the initial energy push that drives you to get started.

When we’re engaged or drawn towards something fresh or less challenging, motivation comes easily and helps us start. However, when the race gets demanding or slightly dull, finding that motivation can get tough sometimes.

Let’s put it side by side with consistency.


When motivation seems to fade away, that’s when consistency takes over—like a stable engine keeping you on the course, independent of your pace.

By being consistent, you keep your eyes on the goal long-term despite occasional lapses in motivation. It allows you to develop beneficial routines, advance gradually, and attain your well-deserved outcomes.

Who’s The Champion?

So, what compels you to cross the finish line first? The intense surge of motivation or the persistent system of consistency? 

Here’s the answer: Both, because they’re collaborators, not competitors!

In reality, motivation may initiate the run, but crossing the finish line is all about consistency.

The truth is you should find balance—have the motivation to light your path and trust in consistency to walk it until you meet your end goal.

In the following section, we’ll determine which is more important, consistency or motivation, in making a life change.

So here we go…

Is Consistency More Important Than Motivation in Making a Life Change?

Have you experienced starting with bold plans for huge life changes, only to spiral back to old habits within weeks? 

Perhaps you can relate

But why? Are you possibly overlooking the right aspect of change?

Do consistent steps reform over motivational highs in achieving change?

Like what I’ve mentioned, they’re teammates, not rivals. Both are important in making your life change.

But what’s my stand on this?

Let me give you an example: When I received this topic, I felt inspired to write about it immediately, but boredom struck, I knew I needed to complete this article within the deadline and not just something thrown together at the last minute. 

So, what did I do? I sat down and wrote this article consistently.

Consistency is fundamental to initiating change. The essence is not just about doing something once or twice; it’s about repeated practice until it becomes second nature.  

That’s my perspective. But how exactly did I manage that? Let’s find out in the next point.

How Do You Achieve Consistency?

By now, you might be curious: how do I develop consistency? And what is the hidden secret to achieving consistency?

The solution is to reward yourself.

Yes, that’s right, your brain loves rewards. The brain operates on a pleasure-pain system, where its main drive is to lessen pain and heighten pleasure. Applying this principle can generate positive returns.

The Feel-Good Juice

According to the Harvard University article, dopamine is the “feel-good” juice made by our brains. It gets us excited and addicted to activities we enjoy or need for survival [7]. 

Your brain gives you a shot of this feel-good juice for activities that it knows are good for you, which makes you want to do them more. This system has helped us survive and thrive.

Think about your favorite dish, how you feel after a good workout, the connection with your loved one, or the joy of a good chat with friends. Good feelings mean dopamine in motion.

Practical Reward Structure

But how do you apply it? Let’s consider you’re aiming to build a regular habit of daily workouts. 

You might incorporate a practical reward structure – for instance, watch a favorite TV series episode following every exercise routine. Such a reward will motivate you to maintain the habit and the feel-good sensation encourages you to replicate the action.

Rewards can promote favored actions and greatly enhance the chances of maintaining consistency. However, you should make the reward complement your goal and not conflict with it (such as treating yourself to a large portion of cake following a gym routine to aid weight loss).

Rewarding yourself, though it appears simple, is commonly overlooked and not given enough weight as a strategy

How to Stay Motivated?

Many people ask in Quora, “How do I stay motivated?”

It’s an understandable question, right?  Motivation sometimes seems out of reach.

One minute you’re on fire, the next you’re colder than ice. It’s widely experienced, but it isn’t hopeless.

So, let’s pick this apart and learn how to fuel your motivation, even during difficult times.

Here’s how:

1) Set Clear Goals

Motivation pushes for action, it demands a focus or intent.

How about outlining SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals to create a productive guide that keeps your momentum and direction intact?

A sneaky shortcut to this is to choose a simple step – so basic it’s impossible to reject. This will activate your momentum.

2) Visualize Success

Visualization may sound cryptic, but it’s a genuine hack that can push you toward your aspirations. Paint a mental image of your success in detail: the celebration, the achievement, the kudos, every bit of the experience.

The more intensely you can visualize your goal and feel it within you, the more your motivation elevates to make it real.

3) Find Your ‘Why’

Identify the real meaning behind what you’re working towards. This is a meaningful connection to your intention. You’re addressing your why.

It’s normal if you’re unclear about it.

You can clarify your thoughts by asking the following:

  • What brings you genuine joy?
  • When have you felt you’ve fully charged?
  • What experiences would you regret not doing?

These reflections will guide you to the core of your motivations.

4) Create a Support System

You’ll find staying driven more manageable when you’re not alone. Establish connections with friends, family members, or colleagues who uplift your goals and resonate with your enthusiasm. 

Acknowledge that a solid circle of support isn’t just for praise, but for getting honest feedback, too.

5) Savor the Experience (Fake it until you make it!)

True motivation lies in enjoying each step, not just in arriving at the destination. 

Being present in the journey lightens the burden of reaching the finish line, and you’re more likely to stay motivated. all it takes is to acknowledge the small wins, the mini-milestones that create your pathway of advancement.

6) Refine and Reflect

In reality, not every day is the same, so it’s only natural for motivation to wane on certain days, and there’s nothing wrong with that. 

What’s important is you should understand and tweak your methods of approach. Think through what’s your current state, recognize what’s working and what’s not, and have the willingness to alternate your route.

7) Take Breaks and Self-Care

Build in time-outs to restore energy and protect against burnout—Foster personal care with routine exercise, nutritious food, and adequate sleep.

8) Be Accountable

Nurturing self-discipline and taking responsibility for your actions is important for persistent motivation. Fix timelines, review improvements, and monitor your achievements.

As you think about these strategies to stay motivated, bear in mind that staying motivated can be your endless story.

What lies ahead?  It’s for you to decide, your determination goes on until you decide to end it.

So keep building, keep doing, keep pushing ahead.

Can You Be Consistent Without Motivation?

Yes, you can achieve consistency without having strong motivation.

Motivation is often seen as the only fuel that can keep you going, but this overlooks other important factors. While motivation is a powerful force, it is also inconsistent and unpredictable.

Otherwise, consistency relies much more upon discipline and set habits. Discipline means to do something even when you don’t feel like it. 

It’s centered around making a commitment and staying true to it, whether you want to or not. This is the essence of consistency.

How Does Motivation Lead to Consistency?

What if I told you that consistency could ignite motivation, not the other way around? surprising, don’t you think?

Let’s analyze it.

So how do regular habits tie into motivation?

Don’t forget, that motivation is an emotional response. It can flourish when you feel inspired or when you’re stimulated by new challenges and opportunities. 

However, as with any emotion, motivation fluctuates. It can be difficult to stay motivated when life is full of ups and downs. This is the moment where consistency pays off.

Initiate Consistent Practices

Consistency is about taking action— not when it’s new and exciting, but mostly on days when you lack motivation or inspiration. This is where the real progress begins.

Consistency is in line with the idea of compound interest. Each little, day-to-day action you take, while not significant in itself, accumulates over time, eventually totaling substantial benefits.

Also, as you develop consistency, you start forming patterns and routines — you build habits. And these habits will get you through rough phases when you’re feeling unmotivated.

James Clear has reiterated this idea in several blog posts and expounded it in his book [8].

Consistency Fuels Motivation and Zeal

Now, let’s put things in line. consistency not only promotes actions during low motivation periods, but it also can trigger motivation. The reason? Through accomplishments.

As a result, a reinforcing cycle develops: Constant commitment leads to achievements. Achievements increase your confidence and motivate you to do more. The rise in motivation drives your desire to show up the next day, which makes it easier for you to be consistent.

Although motivation can trigger short-term impulses, while it’s not harmful, you should not rely on it alone.

Instead, you should focus on developing consistency through discipline and habit formation. This system helps you maintain progress even while experiencing a drop in motivation, and it can trigger lasting enhancement of motivation.

Show up, and do the work anyway. Trust that if you keep going—no matter how slow or difficult it may be at times—you will eventually reach your goal.

Why Do We Lose Motivation?

Have you ever started a project with a lot of excitement, only to lose interest later on?

At times in your life, you may feel unmotivated. You begin to do something with high energy, but somewhere along the way, you lose momentum.

But what’s behind this change? Why does your motivation drop off when working towards your goals?

This occurs because of a mix of influences—some external, and some internal. 

If you learn these factors, it will give you insights into the best ways and effective motivation methods to achieve your goals.

Below are the reasons why your motivation declines:

  • Expectations vs. Reality

You often start a project or goal with specific expectations, but as you move forward, you may realize that the actual outcome might be different from what you envisioned, which can suppress your motivation and you may struggle to move forward.

  • Fear of Failure

If you worry about failure, it can paralyze and drain your motivation. It could block you from taking risks and trying opportunities, causing your motivation to wane.

  • Lack of Clarity

Without a clear direction and well-defined path, you may feel disoriented and find it hard to focus, which could deeply affect your motivational levels.

  • Burnout

Overworking without balancing work and life can trigger burnout. This situation might leave you feeling drained and lacking the drive to proceed.

  • Procrastination

A habitual delay in tasks can produce a snowball effect, leaving you feeling overwhelmed, which in turn, drains your motivation.

Motivation Vs Consistency (FAQs)

What is the difference between motivation and determination?

Motivation is the initial drive to start, and determination is the stamina to finish. Motivation is the spark that ignites a challenge; determination fuels it.

What is the difference between motivation and inspiration?

Motivation pushes you to take action, whereas inspiration is the spark that fuels this drive. As a result, motivation helps you begin, but inspiration guides the way.

Why is consistency more important than motivation?

Consistency brings you steady progress, while motivation often varies. Therefore, a consistent work ethic is the pillar of success.

What is the best example of consistency?

Athletes’ regular training routines stand as a testament to consistency. Therefore, despite setbacks or the absence of rapid wins, it’s their consistency that propels growth.

Is motivation really overrated?

Motivation levels might vary, but when you maintain persistent effort, you ensure steady growth, which suggests that consistent and stable progress might overshadow the importance of motivation.

How can we maintain consistency with whatever we do in life to achieve success?

Develop habitual routines, decide on attainable goals, and build discipline. By concentrating on these practices, your daily actions are the foundation for your long-term success.

To be successful, what should you need more, motivation or consistency?

Consistency helps to hold up motivation’s spark; thus, both are important, but continuous progress leans more towards consistency.

How important is consistency to success in life?

Consistency helps in developing beneficial habits and guarantees regular advancement, confirming its role in achieving life-long success.

How to stay consistent without the need for motivation?

Adopting routines, discipline, and realistic goals allows you to keep a steady pace, even without constant motivation.

How do you motivate yourself to stay consistent?

Concentrating on routines, celebrating small victories, and focusing on the bigger picture. These are the threads that hold a strong consistency together.

What hacks do you have to stay consistent and motivated?

You position yourself to uphold motivation by subdividing tasks into smaller sections and elevating consistency above perfection.

How do you maintain a consistent mindset with accomplishing a goal?

Nurturing a mindset for progression, planning for attainable goals, and self-evaluation – these three can reinforce a consistent mindset to conquer any goal.

How do you retain consistency and motivation?

To hold on to both, balance motivation with consistency, and set achievable goals, given that each complements the other for continuous growth.

How to work on being consistently motivated?

Set targets that reflect your principles, because it encourages consistency. As a result, things that you consider important may likely motivate you.

What motivates you to be consistent?

If tasks match your long-term plans or personal values, they enhance regular work. So, purpose feeds the motivation to stay consistent.

What to Do Next?

So, what’s more important: motivation or consistency?

The answer is both. You must be eager to begin and disciplined to proceed.

Like salt and pepper, motivation and consistency enhance each other. Blending these elements gives you a complete roadmap for lasting success.

You should refine and balance, starting with intense motivation and slowly curving into a consistent habit. Also, find joy or pleasure in the process to counteract burnout.

If this article has inspired you, go ahead to take action. Start with baby steps and gradually grow.

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