
What Are the 3 Secret Study Tips to Score Highest in Exam?

Do you want to score the highest in your exams? If yes, then these 3 secret study tips are for you.

3 secret study tips image

You see, studying smart has become a popular mantra that most learners try to do. But most of them failed to keep going. Probably because they set too high expectations and unrealistic ideals.

And the worst part about not studying well? You guessed it, lower grades and poor performance. Add to that the doom and gloom you might feel when you fail.

But hey, cheer up! There’s always a way out of that sticky situation when looking for the best study tip.

In this article, I’ll show you the best 3 secret study tips to score the highest on math or any subject.

So, what are the 3 secret study tips?

Find out below.

What Are the 3 Secret Study Tips to Become Topper?

Most students feel pressured when aiming for a high score. But that shouldn’t be you.

These 3 secret study tips to become topper will help you pass your exams with calm and ease.

With that said, let me show you my 3 best study tips to get the best score on your exams.

1) Time Management

Managing your time makes a big difference in organizing your study times. It might sound like it’s an open secret, but most learners usually fail to check their time blocks consistently.

Distractions are everywhere, so you need to make sure you keep them in mind when setting up your schedule.

Here are my two secrets to effective time management: the Pomodoro technique and the 3-5-7 method.

Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro is a technique that requires 25 minutes of focus on one task or subject, and then 5 minutes for a relaxing break. And after the 4th cycle, give yourself a longer break to avoid burnout. 

This longer break can be 15-30 minutes every two hours as much as possible. This way you won’t feel too exhausted in the next session.

This technique is recommended for those who have little to no distractions, with lots of studying and researching and have a positive mindset to finish and continue the tasks.

3-5-7 Method

The 3-5-7 method is a very flexible time management strategy.

First, you give a high level of focus on your task or course for 3 minutes. Then, you follow it with a 5-minute relaxing break, and then 7 minutes of focusing yourself deeper in the material.

It’s flexible because you can increase the minutes for each session. Keep in mind to give a 2-minute ratio between each of the steps. Instead of 3-5-7, it can be 2-4-6 or even 10-12-14. It’s all up to you.

What’s interesting about this method is that it can be applied at work and in other fields of study, too. That’s because it’s easy to apply and manage.

2) Note-Taking Strategies

Nothing beats better knowledge retention but a good ‘ol note taking! Yes, writing and keeping notes is still a thing in our digital age. 

The act of writing itself helps your brain remember what you wrote, which you can review afterwards. 

With that, it’s great to maximize your notes by applying these two strategies, the mind mapping method and the Cornell method.

Mind Mapping Method

The mind mapping method is a system that you can apply, especially if you like lots of images and charts. By drawing the concepts you’re learning, you’ll easily remember them as you study.

Perhaps a good example is when you study the basics of chemistry. At the center, you draw a balloon with the word “Chemistry”. Then, place all the other terms related to it, like “acids”, “chemical bonding”, and many others.

Of course, it’s not just words, but you can also add images and pictures that best describes the topic and its subpoints.

Cornell Method

Cornell Notes

Named after Cornell University where Walter Pauk in the 1960s developed it, this notetaking system gives a seamless thought train and easy review.

This system is suitable for both focused studying and quick skimming.

To do this, you need to write all your notes in the larger note-taking section. Then, write its important parts in the cue column. After finishing your notes, write down what you’ve learned in the summary section.

You can read our cornell notes article for a more detailed explanation of this method.

3) Active Learning Techniques

Getting the key points, teaching main ideas, and providing solutions to complex problems are all part of active learning. 

Instead of having a passive mood in skimming through your material, why not read it with focus and motivation?

That’s why these two techniques, the active recall and spaced repetition are best active learning methods if you want a laser-focused studying regimen.

Active Recall

If you want to enhance your comprehension and retention of a subject, this is your go-to method. 

Why is that? We’ll get to that in a moment.

Using hand-sized notes and flashcards, you can actively recall the subject you’re remembering, hence the name “active recall.”

This method exploits the psychological effect of shifting your learning from temporary memory to the long-term memory area of your brain. Pretty cool, right?

Spaced Repetition

Spaced Repetition Strategy

The spaced repetition method allows you to repeat the same subject or material to study at different intervals. How does that work?

On the first day, you will immerse yourself in studying that certain topic in a single session. Then give it a space of two days to study it again. From that point, give it three days and study it again. 

By continually increasing the intervals, you are constantly giving space for your memory to remember it. At the same time, you can learn and review other materials in between.

Bonus Tips to Study Smart

To help you get the best studying experience, I listed some of the most important reminders you might find useful. 

It’s very important to be prepared in mind, body, and mood. You can add some of these to your studying habits.

Here are some of my bonus tips:

Find your space

Look for a nice, quiet spot in your home, where you can be without any distractions. That includes your phone or TV.

Avoid distractions

As mentioned earlier, avoid as many distracting details around you as you can. If you can’t help but notice it, perhaps try to ignore it. Make a mental note about what loses your focus.

Set your goals

Don’t study aimlessly, so set a goal that you can easily achieve, step by step. Once you’re clear with your target, you’ll notice greater focus in your studying.

Keep it neat

To avoid distractions, you must also make your studying area free from clutter. A study showed that clutter may lead to confusion and lost focus. So, keep your space clean for a clear mind.

Drink water regularly

Drinking water as regularly as you should will keep you alert and alive during your studying time. Hydration in your body is important as it energizes your body as you finish your tasks.

Stay healthy

Eating nutritious food, avoiding fatigue, exercising regularly, are some of the ways you can stay healthy and fit. Prepping your body for study time should be a priority.

Stretch at times

Don’t just sit there! Stand up and give yourself a stretch from time to time. Make time to do some quick and small exercises to keep your blood flow going.

Be in the moment

Staying focused is a hard thing to do. So whenever you feel you’re zoning away, remind yourself that you need to finish the study time.

Sleep like a baby

Of course, sleep is the best way to relax. It heals your body and recharges your energy to the fullest. Sleep at least 6-8 hours a day. Just don’t overdo it, or you might end up groggy waking up.

Reward yourself

Celebrate small victories after every task accomplished or a long study session. Grab your favorite drink, cook great food, and treat yourself to a long break. You deserve it!

3 Secret Study Tips (FAQs)

What are the best tips for studying?

Keeping time blocks, organizing notes, and actively learning materials are the best tips for studying. Also, keep in mind to stay focused in every session. Keep yourself healthy so you can easily prepare in every study time. Do these and you’ll feel easy and calm in your study experience. 

What is the 1 2 3 study technique?

The 1-2-3 method is geared to help you focus and learn on your material. On the first day, learn your material. On the next day, review it. Then on the third day, review it once more, then after a week, you must leave it. Afterwards, you should review it again.

How can I focus 100% on studying?

Give your full attention to the time block you allotted for studying. Apply study methods that suit your personal preferences and priorities. Avoid distractions by staying away from your gadgets. Keep your study area neat and clean. You’ll have a healthy and organized mind by doing these.

How to do secret study?

These are some of the ways to have a fulfilling secret study or self study:
• First, you should take notes of the main points of the material. 
• Have a regular break in between study sessions. 
• Remove any distractions around your study area. 
• Set clear goals and follow a timetable.

How to learn effectively for exams?

The 3 secret study tips to score highest in exams are all about time management, active learning, and organized note taking. Stay fit and healthy. Focus on whatever task or topic you’re studying. Pick the right study method that fits your goals.

How to study more effectively?

Set a time block to active learning and do it consistently in your other subjects. Be mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared to give full attention to your study sessions. Eat a balanced diet, and exercise. Fix your study area so no distractions will come up. Lastly, have a can-do mindset.

What to Do Next?

So there you have it! That’s the 3 secret study tips that I recommend for you to enhance your studying experience.

Once you get a hold of these tips, you can enjoy more time for other activities, and find the balance you so need in your campus life!

Whatever suits your style, as long as you do it consistently, it will definitely work out. There’s no harm in trying different methods, till you find the right one.

What’s your study strategy like? Share with us your thoughts and leave us a comment below!

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